Outsource Editing / Writing Projects
If you want to tell your story powerfully, outsource the project to Creative Lakes Media, LLC. You deserve to have an outstanding editor who understands your work, your business strategy, and can help you with flawless grammar and punctuation. Choose me as your go-to freelance writer and editor. I deliver compelling, insightful copy. Your reputation is reflected within every manuscript, brochure, marketing email or web site page you create. Your distributed work deserves careful attention. Reach your constituents and increase your visibility. Offer clear, concise and error-free messages that reflect or boost your reputation. I help small business owners, professors, authors and trade associations meet their deadlines with respectful feedback, full service corrections or comments and tracked changes. Let’s turn prospects into clients and employees into ambassadors. Let’s get your article or book ready to be published! Your brochure, newsletter, news release or manuscript will be ready to submit to a Journal, a web site blog, or finalized as an electronic file you can share proudly. Contact me for a free 20-minute consultation and an estimate. Need a layout graphic service or printer? Ask for the full service! Need a quick turnaround? I offer a competitive rate. Email: info@creativelakesmedia.com
Judy did an amazing job helping me with the editing of the non-fiction book body copy and back cover content of my first book writing endeavor. Her knowledge and expertise using the Chicago Manual of Style of general editing was valuable and relevant to helping me deliver the key messages to my target audience.
— Mary Jo Wiseman, CMP, Author: The Meeting Planning Process
Author, JudithFBrenner.com
The Moments Between Dreams, Fiction / Women’s Fiction, to be released Summer 2022. Sign up for our mail list to learn about the novel book launch and presales!